August 2014 Online Income Report
Welcome to my August 2014 monthly income report!
Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.
This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.
Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes each month.
This month was significantly lower than last month but only because I didnt get a rightline trading sale. That product costs around $3,000 so I dont expect to make sales every month with it but its certainly a nice surprise when I get those $900.00 affiliate payments. I’ve started reviewing a new product, Keltner Pro, and thats a $500 product so my bounty is $250. I checked and so far I have a few sales. I need 5 sales before the affiliate network will issue a payment so we’ll see how long it takes to get there. I’m also happy to report that my authority site has had a 50% increase in daily traffic. We’ll see if that increases sales or not. Lastly, im noticing that little by little my monthly average is creeping up. There was a point where I was making around $500 per month pretty consistently and thats continued to rise. Hopefully that trend will continue into the future. Details are below
Income Breakdown
Affiliate Programs:
- The Oil Well- $0 (I was supposed to get paid this month but I ended up getting my oil well money in September so it will be listed in next months report)
- Fortune 500- $71
- Fast Economic News- $580.66
- Jo Bracket Breakout- $300
- Right Line Trading- $0 (This is an expensive product so I dont expect consistent sales)
- Keltner Pro- $0 (Currently reviewing this product, Hopefully sales will start next month.)
Cost Per Lead Offers: (I’ve put this on hold for now)
- Forex niche- $0 ($ advertising expense)
August 2014 Total Income: $951.66 ($565.29 less than last month)