December 2015 Online Income Report
Welcome to my December 2015 monthly income report!
Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.
This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.
Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes moving forward.
Things are still going slow for me as far as my online income is concerned. I’ve been testing 2 new products but those reviews wont be completed until early February so until then i expect sales to remain down. On a good note i’ve been working on growing my list so hopefully in the future when i participate in another product launch i’ll see improved results. I’m still considering trying out kindle publishing but its on hold until i get my youtube subs to at least 1k and my email list to at least 2k. Hopefully at that point my income will be above 5k consistently and i can start to think about branching out. We shall see.
Lasty month I had 779 youtube subscribers and as you can see to the left its grown to 806. I havent yet found a way to speed up the process as im more focused on quality than quantity. In other words I need subscribers that are actually interested in trading. I’m now less than 200 subs away from reaching my first goal of 1k so we’ll see what happens.
At the end of last month i had 1,436 email subs and now im up to 1633. I’m still making progress just not as much as i made last month. Every little bit helps so i cant complain.
As a reminder my next online income goal is $5,000 in one month. My next youtube subscriber goal is 1000 subscribers and my next email subscriber goal is 2000. I know there will be slow periods so im not too hurt by the numbers below. All i have to do is participate in one good product launch to turn things around. I’ll update again next month and we’ll see how things have changed. The December numbers are below.
Income Breakdown
Affiliate Programs:
- The Oil Well- $100.38
- Fast Economic News- $809.46
- Jo Bracket Breakout- $0
- ClickBetter Network- $0
- ClickBank Network- $101.25
- Expert Option Trading- $53.00
- ValUtrader- $0 (made a sale here but vendor is now waiting 30 days before paying)
- FlipAnywhere- $0
- The Oil Barrel- $0
Cost Per Lead Offers:
- CashNetwork- $0 (Didnt do any CPL Advertising this month)
December 2015 Total Income: $1064.09 ($691.28 less than last month