February 2014 Online Income Report!
Welcome to my February 2014 monthly income report!
Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.
This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.
Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes each month.
This month was a little better than last month. Right now the only marketing im doing is thru my youtube videos and the authority site I built. Ive started posting in forums and taking other steps to get more traffic to that site but so far I haven’t received any major spikes in traffic. Also I’ve been doing a lot of research into cpl offers, it seems to be that if I can get paid for simply getting a person to enter their name and email address then thats something I need to be looking into.
Income Breakdown
Affiliate Programs
- The Oil Well-$102.00
- Fast Economic News-$149.40
- Jo Bracket Breakout-$200.00
February 2014 Total Income: $451.40 ($94.70 more than last month)