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February 2015 Online Income Report

Welcome to my February 2015 monthly income report!

Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.

This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.

Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes each month.


February was a pretty dull month. I had several offers not make any sales which didn’t help things and on top of that my i scalper sales will be significantly less in the future because they switched affiliate networks but didn’t let me know until near the end of the month which is when i changed my links so i missed any sales that might of come in for those 20 or so days. It sucks but that’s life. On a good note i’ve started testing a new forex EA and i’ve made a few sales so that will be on a future report. I’m also in the process of finishing up a review for another trading system so hopefully that will produce some sales so i can list them here also. Time will tell.

I have continued to build my internet marketing list and at present i have 1090 people on my list. As stated in the previous income report ill look into testing ad swaps and click banking and see how that goes. I’ll update my results as they come. Also i’ve jumped back into CPL marketing, im still learning and hopefully as i continue testing with Bing and Adwords something will click. My February income details are below.

Income Breakdown

Affiliate Programs:

  1. The Oil Well- $149.00
  2. Fortune 500- $0 (I’ll probably be removing this review from my site as its pretty old now)
  3. Fast Economic News- $1095.30
  4. Jo Bracket Breakout- $100.00 (Another slow JOBB month but im happy to get 1 sale)
  5. Right Line Trading- $0 (They have fixed some of their issues so hopefully sales will pick up)
  6. ClickBetter Network- $0 (No new sales for revtraderpro or keltnerpro, hopefully next month)
  7. iScalper- $307.36 (Not a bad month for iscalper)
  8. Expert Option Trading- $197.00 (This system doesnt get a lot of exposure so sales will be slow)

Cost Per Lead Offers: ( I’m trying this again, so far only making small profits. Hopefully i can get it right)

  1. CashNetwork-  Gross profit: $133.75 –  Expenses: $40.00 = Net Profit $93.75
  2. Evergreen FX-  Gross Profit: $129.81 –  Expenses: $20.00 = Net Profit $109.81

CPL Net Profit: $203.56

February 2015 Total Income: $2,052.22 ($239.14 less than last month)