January 2015 Online Income Report
Welcome to my January 2015 monthly income report!
Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.
This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.
Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes each month.
Well after several record breaking months things have slowed down a bit. I was finally able to receive the payments that i scalper owed me but thats really the only positive thing i can report. My income from just about every product im an affiliate for is down. I still have a review that i have yet to release, mainly because the product owner has been putting off the release of the product. Once he decides to launch that should give me another income stream so ill just have to be patient.
I’ve been working on building my email list in the internet marketing niche. The method i’ve chose is solo ads and its been going pretty well so far. My list currently has 850 subscribers on it and once i hit 1000 ill start doing ad swaps and hopefully ill be able to start monetizing the list. The plan is to start reviewing internet marketing products on this site in the same way i review trading products. Then simply let my list know about my success or failure. Once i get enough people on my list ill try and get this site finished as right now its still just a place for me to keep track of my online income reports. Anyway for anyone who happens to of landed on this site thanks for viewing and hopefully i’ll have assset ambitions completed soon.
Income Breakdown
Affiliate Programs:
- The Oil Well- $106.02
- Fortune 500- $0 (I’ll probably be removing this review from my site as its pretty old now)
- Fast Economic News- $747.19
- Jo Bracket Breakout- $0 (Slow month for JOBB)
- Right Line Trading- $0 (There have been a lot of complaints about RightLine lately so i expected this)
- ClickBetter Network- $544.15 (revtraderpro & keltnerpro)
- iScalper- $500.00 (Got part of whats owed to me, the rest should be paid out in Feb.)
- Expert Option Trading- $394.00 ( One of my new reviews)
Cost Per Lead Offers: (I’ve put this on hold for now)
- Forex niche- $0 ($ advertising expense)
January 2015 Total Income: $2,291.36 ($430.78 less than last month)