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July 2016 Online Income Report

Welcome to my July 2016 monthly income report!

Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.

This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.

Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes moving forward.


July was pretty uneventful but there was a bit of good news. I came to the realization that i need to do at least 1 clickbank test per month. Clickbank products have been some of my biggest earners in the past and i’ve neglected them to focus on growing other trading opportunities. Each of my clickbank reviews has accompanied a product launch and so the exposure my videos get is much larger than average and that also sends lots of new people back to my review site. I’ve already signed up to join a clickbank product launch at the end of august so hopefully ill see positive results from that.

My kindle and createspace income is really starting to slow down since i had to remove my most profitable book. It was a summary book for a popular title that had been released thru a major publisher. I made sure not to plagiarize anything the author wrote but instead i found the big ideas of each chapter and put them into my own condensed words. I also offered my own commentary at the end of the book and discussion questions. I thought it was a good book and lots of people agreed based on the reviews. The problem is the publishing company for the book i was summarizing filed a plagiarism complaint with kindle and they immediately removed the book. I let them know my book passed copyscape but it didnt matter. I wont be going that route again as any further infractions will most likely result in my kindle account being suspended.

One good thing is i have written a new book in a different niche so i shouldnt have any issues and my free promotional period is coming up so hopefully i’ll get lots of downloads which will grow my books popularity. I’ll give an update on this during next months income review. Now lets get to some numbers.

youtubesubsLast month I had 1,254 youtube subscribers and im currently at 1,346. This is a pretty big jump when compared to my typical monthly subs. One reason is probably because i finally started placing links at the end of all of my videos asking people to subscribe. Since starting this i have noticed new subscribers almost daily. Another big reason is probably the fact that i had custom artwork done for my channel. I actually had 2 created by 2 different people on Fiverr and picked the one i liked the most (If you want to see the artwork check out my channel at ). My largest subscriber jump was during a previous product launch so hopefully with these new changes ill get a big boost in subscribers, we shall see.

getresponseAt the end of last month i had 2,058 email subs and now i have 2052. Whenever i send out emails i get a few people to unsubscribe for one reason or another so its to be expected and since i didnt buy any solo ads this month i had no new people coming in to replace them. I typically get a 35% opt in rate when i do solo ads so in order to make the jump to 3k subs i will need to buy at least 2800 clicks.

As a reminder my next online income goal is $7,000 in one month. My next youtube subscriber goal is 2000 subscribers and my next email subscriber goal is 3000. The July numbers are below.

Income Breakdown

Affiliate Programs:

  1. The Oil Well- $231.50
  2. Fast Economic News- $598.80
  3. Jo Bracket Breakout- $0
  4. ClickBetter Network- $0
  5. ClickBank Network- $0 (doing new reviews in august)
  6. Expert Option Trading- $98.50
  7. ValUtrader- $0
  8. imarketslive- $745.00
  9. Wealth Generators- $440.00
  10. RightLine Trading-$30.00

Kindle: ( number of books released: 4 )


Createspace: ( number of books released: 4 )


July 2016 Income: $2,609.52  ($102 more than last month)