March 2015 Online Income Report
Welcome to my March 2015 monthly income report!
Each month I will share a detailed report on how much income each of my online businesses has made. It doesn’t matter if its been a great month or a terrible month, ill put the details here in these reports.
This will not only hold me accountable and keep me motivated but hopefully it will also inspire others to take action towards their goals since im essentially starting from nothing. My reports may be small to start but hopefully that will change as I continue to grow as an online entrepreneur.
Lastly as a point of reference my online income from the first income report in January 2014 was $356.70 lets see how that changes moving forward.
March was a pretty good month. In fact i was able to pass my previous best month, Dec. 2014, by about $60. I still havent crossed the $3,000 mark but ill continue pushing forward and hopefully hit it at some point. This month i ended up getting sales from several new sources. I have been testing a new ea on the clickbank network and i’ve made a few sales from that and got my first clickbank check this month. Ive also been testing a new manual trading system, valutrader, and i got 2 sales from that this month which pushed my final total up considerably. I have another review that i completed last month but haven’t released yet as the vendor keeps pushing back the release date. Its a bit bothersome but that’s life. Im also now reviewing a second manual trading product so hopefully ill have that completed by the end of the month.
I’m sad to say that evergreenfx has shut down most of their CPL offers and are now focused mainly on CPA offers. Because of this i’ve stopped all of my advertising of their products. Im still using CashNetwork tho and i made a little money there this month. I’m currently using bing ads and im still trying to get the hang of everything. I do see lots of potential tho. Anyway thats it for now. All of the details for March are below and thanks for viewing.
Income Breakdown
Affiliate Programs:
- The Oil Well- $182.25
- Fortune 500- $0
- Fast Economic News- $1,155.60
- Jo Bracket Breakout- $0 (I had several signups but none stayed on past the trial)
- Right Line Trading- $0
- ClickBetter Network- $0 (No new sales for revtraderpro or keltnerpro)
- ClickBank Network- $292.56 ( Started testing a new EA and made a few sales)
- iScalper- $393.70
- Expert Option Trading- $95.34
- ValUtrader- $580.26 ( Been testing this system for close to 3 months and finally made a few sales)
Cost Per Lead Offers: ( Stopped advertising for evergreenfx)
- CashNetwork- Gross profit: $119.00 – Expenses: $20.00 = Net Profit $99.00
March 2015 Total Income: $2,798.71 ($746.49 more than last month)